This page contains information on the registration process for JEC 2024 once you have received an email from CEAD with the invitation code. If you have not yet received this email, please request an invitation for JEC 2024.
Step 1: Visit and click the green button ‘Register’ on the bottom right.

Step 2: Fill in your personal information in the forms on the next page.

When finished, accept the terms and agreements and click on the blue button ‘Create my personal area’ in the bottom right corner.

Step 3: Scroll down to find the blue button ‘Buy now’ below the various entrance fees and click this button.

Step 4: Scroll down and click on the button ‘TAKE COMPANY INFORMATION FROM THE MAIN ACCOUNT’.

Scroll down again and click on the button ‘ADD TO CART’.

Step 5: Click on the button ‘ADD A BADGE’ to invite a colleague or click on the button ‘FINALIZE ORDER’ to receive the invitation.

Step 6: Select the link ‘Add Code’ to open an input field for a promotional code. Paste the code provided to you by your CEAD contact here. Click the ‘SAVE’ button.

The price of your order should now be €0. Click the ‘PROCEED TO CHECK OUT’ button to finish your reservation. You should see the message ‘Thanks you for your order’ with a green checkmark.

Step 7: Thank you for your registration!
Unfortunately, we still have to wait until we can meet from April 25-27 at booth Q58, Hall 5. In the meantime, please subscribe to our LinkedIn page for updates or view recent YouTube videos.